Michigan Firehouse Para-Con 2018!

michigan firehouse paracon paranormal convention haunted ghost hunt





Just in time for Halloween, we’re finally able to go public with one of the big announcements we’ve been hinting at! We will have a vendor table at the Old Firehouse Para-Con 2018! This place is EPIC! If you haven’t been, you need to! And what better time than during a paranormal convention? If you purchase VIP tickets, you’ll get to go on the private (limited to 50 people) ghost hunt from 6pm – 4am. I believe the plan is to split everyone into smaller groups and have each of the celebrity guests take one group to different areas of the museum.

If you’re not able to buy VIP tickets, the regular tickets will still get you through the door and able to see us and all the other special guests! We will have information on joining our organization or setting up a paranormal investigation for your home or place of business, as well as a few things for sale to help fund our organization (which runs on donations only). Here are a couple designs we have already made:

fantasy unicorn fairy believe paranormal

Between now and then we’ll be working on promotions as well as more designs to sell. Let us know what you’d like to see, and we can’t wait to see you there!

Welcome to the Ann Arbor Paranormal Research Society

Hello, and welcome to the Ann Arbor Paranormal Research Society, Ann Arbor and Southeast Michigan’s premier paranormal research and investigation group. We are a highly trained and dedicated group of scientific individuals who specialize in paranormal investigation, ghost hunting, and paranormal research. We will ALWAYS offer free paranormal investigation, ghost hunting, and paranormal research services. Finding the truth for our clients is our number one priority!

Our founder has over 16 years of experience in paranormal research, both on her own and with other groups, and it is her belief that taking a scientific approach to paranormal research and ghost hunting will lead to more widely accepted evidence and fewer ‘false positives’ in the paranormal community. If you feel that you have experienced a paranormal incident at your home or place of work, please feel free to contact us for a free paranormal investigation, ghost hunting expedition, or paranormal research. We are always looking for new members who can make our great team even better. If you feel that you would be a good fit for our organization, please feel free to volunteer to be a ghost hunter, paranormal researcher, or paranormal investigator.