Lilly – Founder
Lilly has been interested in the paranormal for as long as she can remember. When she was younger, her favorite show was The X-Files, and she wanted to be Agent Scully when she grew up. Her parents used to take her to cemeteries with their handheld video camera. She caught her first EVP when she was just 12 years old.
When Lilly grew up (and when working for the FBI fell through) she continued to commit her spare time and effort into exploring the paranormal. From local cemeteries and paranormal hot spots to the “The most haunted place on Earth,” Waverly Hills Sanitorium, and its cousin at a close second, The Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, Ohio, Lilly has made it her goal to travel to and investigate as many places as she can.
While keeping an open mind, Lilly considers herself to have a healthy level of skepticism. Lilly feels that her main contributions to the group (besides running the site, replying to emails, and finding amazing places for the group to investigate) are her skills at EVP work and coming up with ideas for new gadgets to use while in the field.
Inga – Investigator
Inga is new to exploring the world of the paranormal. She thinks she became curious about life after death when she was a kid. This curiosity is what she believes motivated her years later to pick up some books on paranormal research, which she studied during her spare time in high school.
Later, Inga enjoyed telling ghost stories in girl scout camp, which grew into a love of researching and reading other people’s ghost stories online in her spare time.
Ben – Tech Guy
Ben is our photographic and technical consultant with 12 of experience investigating the paranormal. He has enjoyed life behind the camera since he was very young.
Ben’s interest in the paranormal arose from some interesting personal experiences in his life. However, he decided that, without any other evidence, drawing any conclusions was impossible.
Ben’s hope is that his continued involvement in the Ann Arbor Paranormal Research Society might someday clarify his opinions on the strange occurrences that he has experienced in his life.
The Ann Arbor Paranormal Research Society is always seeking new members who are interested in investigating the paranormal! We are seeking like-minded individuals who wish to offer their time and expertise to the paranormal community and those affected by the paranormal happenings throughout our area and across the country.
If you feel that you would be a good fit for our organization, or if you would like to learn more about what it takes to be a paranormal investigator, ghost hunter, or paranormal researcher, feel free to volunteer to be a ghost hunter, paranormal researcher, or paranormal investigator.