
Hello, and welcome to the Ann Arbor Paranormal Research Society. We are a newly forming paranormal investigation, ghost hunting, and paranormal research group based in the Ann Arbor area. We were founded in order to offer free paranormal investigation, ghost hunting, and paranormal research services to those across the state who feel that their residence or place of business has experienced paranormal activity.

Our founder has over 14 years of experience in paranormal research, both on her own and with other groups, and it is her belief that taking a scientific approach to paranormal research and ghost hunting will lead to more believable evidence and less ‘false positives’ in the paranormal community.

If you feel that you have experienced a paranormal incident at your home or place of work, please feel free to contact us for a free paranormal investigation, ghost hunting expedition, or paranormal research. If you feel that you would be a good fit for our organization, please feel free to volunteer to be a ghost hunter, paranormal researcher, or paranormal investigator.